Project: Software to determine the test regime for seismic resistance of equipment for nuclear power plants.

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Software to determine the test regime for seismic resistance of equipment for nuclear power plants.

In September 2002, I wrote a program on Borland Delphi for the calculation of accelerograms on the spectrum of effects and the calculation of the response spectrum by accelerograms.

As is known, the parameters of the calculated earthquake are normalized by the floor response spectra or reaction spectra (RS) for a particular construction site and NPP building, which is due to the need for static processing of a large number of possible realizations (time-dependent decaying acceleration dependencies versus time). It is these spectra that are decisive in the construction of a general accelerogram or spectrum of vibration acceleration, which are necessary for conducting bench tests. For the first time such work was carried out by NPP VNIIEM in the last century. In this work, the parameters of possible earthquakes on the territory of the USSR and the dynamic characteristics of nuclear power plant structures were summarized. The obtained interference spectra (modes of testing for sinusoidal vibration with a variable frequency) without significant changes were included in the current GOST 17 516.1-90, which allowed for a number of years to certify seismic-proof electrical equipment (EE) of nuclear power plants for the USSR and its friendly countries.

At present, fundamentally new designs of nuclear power plant buildings are being designed on construction sites that are far removed from the territory of the Russian Federation. And although the designers in a number of cases (along with the floor-by-stage response spectra) still determine the intensity of the earthquake in points, there is a problem of justifying the test modes that correspond to the standards in force in Russia, as foreign customers are strictly guided by the requirements of international standards IEC 60980, IEC 60780, which It was manifested with the confirmation of seismic resistance of equipment for Bushehr and Tianwan NPP.

Thus, the problem of converting the initial response spectra into adequate testbed modes with the consideration of the requirements of international standards has now become urgent again.

In this paper, the statement of this problem and its solution are described using the example of the equipment testing regimes for the Tianwan NPP ...

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