Dmitry Blinnikov. Patent for an invention ?2353989.

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Patent for invention.

Method for step-by-step control of nuclear reactor control rod.

FIELD: physics; nuclear fuel.

SUBSTANCE: method for step-by-step control of nuclear reactor control rod includes simultaneous measurement of currents and voltages of power electromagnets and calculation of active power of traction electromagnet. Position of nuclear reactor control rod is defined as sum of initial position of nuclear reactor control rod and further steps "up" and "down". Decision on availability of appropriate step is taken on the basis of comparison of compliance between actually measured cyclogram of three electromagnets currents with specified cyclogram. Specified cyclogram corresponds to command received from control system. Decision on availability of appropriate step is taken also on the basis of exceeding of characteristic function threshold value. This function defines actual value of step and is calculated as product of traction and locking electromagnets voltages.

EFFECT: increased reliability of NPP control and protection system.

The scanned copy of the patent in Russian: Patent.jpg

The full text of the patent in Russian: Patent.pdf

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Moscow 2006-2021