Project: Mathematical model and simulator of the kinematics of joint movement vertical traverse and lock truck.

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Mathematical model and simulator of the kinematics of joint movement vertical traverse and lock truck.

During October 2004, I carried out work on the calculation of the mathematical model of the kinematics of the joint movement of the vertical traverse and the lock truck, and the simulator of the work of this model was written in the Borland Delphi environment using 3D graphics from OpenGL ...

The kinematics of the canting of the container is considered, which is realized by the joint operation of two electromechanisms - the sluice trolley, which moves horizontally the bottom of the container and the polar crane, extending the vertical lashing of the container lid through the vertical traverse. Analysis of the joint movement of the traverse and the sluice trolley shows that at a constant rope extension speed to maintain the vertical position of the traverse, the trolley speed must vary from infinity at the beginning of the movement to zero at the end of the movement. Such an electric drive can not be realized.

The introduction of an allowable angle of deviation from the vertical aadd allows one to solve the problem. For this purpose, the equations of trolley travel communication, rope elongation and the deviation angle from the vertical are compiled. The set and the sequence of discrete trolleys moving speeds are determined, at which the angle of deviation from the vertical does not exceed the preset value for the canting with a constant rope extension speed. The set and sequence of these speeds can be realized with a limited depth of adjustment of the trolley speeds. For example, for aadd = 2.4 degrees, the ratio of the maximum and minimum speeds is approximately 3, and the number of diskettes is 3 (with zero). It is shown that the deviation of the traverse from the vertical causes the appearance of a horizontal force that accelerates or brakes the cart, depending on the angle of deviation from the vertical and directed toward equilibrium (towards the vertical). The developed mathematical model and the calculation program with 3-dimensional visualization was used to select the law governing the canting process ...

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Moscow 2006-2021