NWE: History of creation

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NetWars Engine SDK: History of creation and plans for evolution

Development of individual components/modules/libraries of engine, or that later entered the engine, started in 2005 with the development of Chart component for computer oscilloscope spectrum analyzer and display data graphs in 2D and 3D form with support for hardware acceleration by means of API DirectX 9.0b and continued until July 2006.

In 2005-2007, I own a lot of experimenting with different components that make up DirectX 9.0b SDK: rendering meshes using Direct3D, play sounds with DirectMusic and DirectSound, media playback with video rendering to texture through DirectShow, Networking using DirectPlay.

Since April 2007 until the end of the year in my first freelance contract I has already started the elaboration of the engine directly in relation to the games, in this case, the games of casino type, and brought the engine to the SDK with examples of 3 games and a lobby, rendering sprites, meshes with simple effects, and a very simple GUI.

In 2008-2010, I continued development of the engine, updated the renderer from DirectX 9.0b to 9.0c, adding the second API DirectX 10 with a choice of API, playing sounds updated to XAudio2, continued experimenting with the effects and develop GUI, and the beginning of 2010 I did the beta version of online chess as an example of my performance engine, which by that time had already become fully suitable for creating simple casual MMO games. I called them "The Grand Chessboard", because it could play online with registration and multi-room/table on the same dedicated server, and sent to the gamedev.ru contest of casual games. After the contest I replaced the 10th render to the 11th.

In 2011-2013 on gamedev.ru I found 3 partners (database programmer, 2D/3D artist and composer) and with their help, updated online chess to beta Collection of World Mind Games retaining the name, very much it fits the general concept of my development, containing all 6 games on the 12 rules recognized by the International Federation of Mind Sports as Games Mastery. Together with the team with game of Go participated in the gamedev.ru сontest of strategy games. Continued improvement of GUI and effects including soft shadows. Experimented with compute shaders, network engine RakNet, graphics engine Unigine, provider DB SQL Sevrer. Added recruit and management a team for example Bridge, setting the level of detail and the level of effects that determine the quality of the graphics. Completed the possibility of auto-update and settings of downloadable content (feature GameStore). Now you can install the Collection from your browser without downloading the whole archive and further downloading just the right content for the right games. Created a website for the Collection.

By 2014 began to develop a package of examples (SDK) for the engine, which continues to deal up to this day. Engine is essentially an evolutionary development of the project The Grand Chessboard (Collection of the World Mind Games), it was called the NetWars Engine (abbr. NWE), of like a parallel development unannounced MMO-Action game. The first trial alpha-version of the SDK of engine was sent to the Russian Developers Cup 2014 powered by Mail.Ru Group.

In 2015 it began an intensive introduction of the engine as a DLL-library, on freelance contracts. The test beta version of the SDK engine was sent to the Web-Ready - call for proposals in Skolkovo and open competition of original projects 2015 of Mail.Ru Group, but it was interested only in one of the start-ups at the University of California at Berkeley. The competition presentation engine was prepared for potential investors in the short (10 pages in Russian), and the full (25 pages in Russian) form.

At the moment, SDK consists of 3 parts (2D graphics, 3D graphics, Server) in which visibility and accessibility shows how the engine to work with textures, sprites, text, GUI; handle events of keyboard, mouse, applications and timer; play sounds and media with video rendering; configure the video, audio, control, camera, log; to work with the physical and network engine, and database provider; create a server, host and client.

The engine has already successfully many times to show themselves in commercial terms, it is due to the fact that many of the modules/components of the engine were originally developed under contract requirements, and only then were necessarily restructured to work directly in a single engine. Separate modules/components of the engine were ordered (the development, with completion, ready) and have been used in commercial projects of industrial production for internal business needs, as part of the client online services, desktop computer games (without a network, network, MMO), and in box and downloadable non-game software, as well as programs for the private needs of individuals. Today, received 2 positive reviews of the engine on Upwork for $6800 + $2430 and $9225. Also, received feedback (in Russian) from the schoolboy, who developed the game on my engine.


Since 2017, a version of the engine for the DirectX 12 API has been developed. Already added support for GUI, 2D and partially 3D graphics. In the years 2021-2025 is planned:

– update 3D graphics to API DirectX 12;

– adding hardware ray tracing DXR for cards with RT-cores nVidia 2070+, DXU for cards with 2nd gen RT-cores nVidia RTX 3060+;

– getting bitmaps Unicode-text - through DirectWrite;

– media playback, including video rendering to texture - through Media Foundation;

– expand the range of effects;

– finalize its storage format for meshes and animations (* .mesh, * .anim);

– develop a utility for motion capture based on MS Kinect 2.0 SDK;

– expand SDK, including add 2 parts (extra features and examples in other languages);

– bring to release the Collection of World Mind Games;

– and most importantly - bring to a demonstration prototype of a revolutionary commercial AAA MMO-Action game a billion dollars - NETWARS :-)

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Moscow 2006-2021